Prepare for LTC NOW - Client is in an Assisted Living or Nursing Home Now

A Medically Underwritten Immediate Annuity will be a good solution for someone in an assisted living or nursing home that is able to re-position assets to generate an income stream for the rest of his or her life. he insurance company will obtain medical records and consider her age to determine what offer is made.
- 79 year old widower
- Recently sold her home and moved into an assisted living
- Diagnosed with acute chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), oxygen therapy is not yet required
- Former smoker
- Moves around complex with her rolling walker
- Has $125K investments, $375K proceeds from home, small monthly income from pension and Social Security.
- Desires $40K guaranteed annual income with 3% compound inflation
She and her family have decided that a medically underwritten immediate annuity will be a good solution. The monthly payments can be used for ANY purpose. There are alternative plan designs, but she selected the following:
Single premium of $347,698
Annual income for life $40,000
3% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA)
Protected period (Minimum benefit period) 3 years
Minimum benefit amount by selecting
3 years protected period $123,636
After almost 8 years of income, Nancy will collect more than her single premium.
Alternative single premiums:
No COLA, no protected period $294,910
3% COLA, no protected period $333,721
No COLA, 3 year protection period,
$120K minimum benefit amount $308,325