Love, American Style (and Long Term Care)

Watching television on Friday in the early 1970s, chances are the set was tuned to Love, American Style. The romantic comedy series featured some (then fresh) faces such as Diana Keaton, Albert Brooks, Karen Valentine, Harrison Ford, and Sally Struthers.
Maybe I’ve got love on my mind because February is the month of love. Though not a national holiday, judging by the candy, cards, and artificial roses flooding stores, there are a lot of people who celebrate Valentine’s Day.
That got me thinking about love as it relates to long term care planning. Were Love, American Style to be reprised, based solely on the actors’ ages, it’s likely that in addition to a lot of love there might be a few story lines that include long term care.
And at a basic level, isn’t the problem of long term care a challenge of love? How do we, as caring people, reconcile the demands of a loved one’s need for care with the financial and emotional toll that often results?
It’s been said that life insurance is the ultimate selfless gift. After all, you pay while you are alive, and never see the payout.
However, when you have a long term care insurance policy and experience a need for long term care, you will personally benefit. You’ll see the difference a policy makes: The ability to tap funds to pay for the care. To more easily afford the care you want in the setting you desire. To make decisions not driven by the question, “can I afford it?”
But, in that long term care situation, you would also not be the sole beneficiary. By having purchased LTCI you have quite literally taken a tremendous burden off your family and friends.
A case can be made that purchasing long term care insurance is both an act of love to those who care for you, and also the ultimate act of self care.
Who in your life would be relieved to know there’s a pile of money ready to be paid out if you need long term care?
So this February, please consider one of the greatest acts of love— protecting those close to you. Buy a policy. Cupid will be proud.
If you have any questions about your long term care insurance this February, please do be in touch. Baygroup Insurance can be contacted at or call us at 410-557-7907 for more information.