Baygroup Insurance

Maryland's premier Long-Term Care insurance agency

Case Studies

Prepare for LTC NOW - Client is in an Assisted Living or Nursing Home Now

A Medically Underwritten Immediate Annuity will be a good solution for someone in an assisted living or nursing home that is able to re-position assets to generate an income stream for the rest of his or her life.

Life Insurance with LTC Rider


  • Health
    • 2 partners in early 70's, both non-smokers
    • One partner is uninsurable for 2 years because of new finding that doctor's don't know IF it will be an issue
    • The other partner is healthy
  • Finances - Cash and home equity line total 100K
  • Preferences  - desires LTC coverage, however linked-benefit is the only option for one partner, the other partner could use traditional or linked-benefit. Read more for the solution.

Shared Policy for spouses - Pre-planning for LTC


Attorney and his wife, both aged 50, in good health, concerned about prospective costs of long-term care in their 80's or 90's.  Also concerned that if something were to happen earlier, especially during working years that their disability coverage would not provide enough funds to pay for their lifestyle and for the cost of care.  A portion of their premium is deductible.

Family Member Pays Part of LTC Premium


Single woman, aged 59 has accumulated $200,000 in assets.  At age 67 will receive moderate income from Social Security and is still working.  Wants to remain at home for as long as possible if care is required.  Lives in Ohio, daughter lives in Maryland.  Daughter earns significant income but is concerned that if her mother were to require care, she would not be able to take time off from work to provide care. Mother resistant to purchasing adequate coverage because she felt she could not afford the premium.


LTC Coverage for an Uninsured Partner

If you find yourself in a position where one partner is ineligible for LTC insurance, there are are other options available to help cover you financially.