For Individuals

For Individuals
Preserve your quality of life, financial resources & positive family relationships.
We are living longer due to advances in medical science, but there is a downside. We are more likely to develop a chronic long-term condition, experience an unexpected event or require assistance with everyday activities due to illness or the frailty that naturally comes with aging.
While the probability of requiring care increases as we age, we can control much of the impact on ourselves and our families. Here’s why NOW is the time to create a long term care plan…
Everything may be fine TODAY, but your situation can change suddenly.
Extended care is a life-changing event for you, your spouse and your family. Are you prepared? Chances are, you aren’t. Nearly 70% of Americans 65 years of age and older will need long term care at some point in their lives. Yet only 30% have the coverage they need.
Are you avoiding getting coverage because…
· “It won’t happen to us” – you don’t think you’ll need it.
· Thinking about the bad scenarios is stressful & causes anxiety.
· You’re afraid you won’t get good coverage or that you can’t afford it.
· You’re too busy to figure out the next step.
· You want it for loved ones, but they won’t have a conversation about it.
What can happen if you delay getting Long Term Care coverage?
The cost of waiting is HIGH: You may no longer qualify Higher premiums Limited plan options Fewer benefits Stress & loss of control Increased risk |
Plan NOW for the best coverage: Qualify while in good health Lower premiums Maximum plan options More benefits Peace of mind Reduce risk |
Use your age & good health to protect your future!
You may feel like you’re too young to consider long term care insurance, but coverage is based on good health. Unfortunately, we have had clients wait, and then their health or other circumstances changed, greatly limiting, or eliminating their options for coverage.
The State of Maryland is making a push to educate people before the age of 50. Some caregivers are even younger. Don’t delay. Waiting can be costly. It’s FREE to take the next step.
Having a long-term care plan is the best way to make sure you have the care you may need without
jeopardizing your family’s personal and financial security.
Requiring long term care has extreme emotional, physical, and financial consequences.
Many people are surprised to find out how expensive care is. For example, about one-third of all nursing home costs are out-of-pocket. This can be financially devastating and stressful for families to try and figure out how to properly care for a loved one. The cost of professional assistance is high today—and it will be much higher by the time you are likely to require care.
YOU may not think you need a Long Term Care plan, but what do your CAREGIVERS think?Are you concerned about being a burden to your family?
Proactive planning can also have a huge impact on multiple generations of your family. Caregiving takes an extreme physical, emotional, and financial toll on your loved ones who are providing care for you. Proactive planning NOW, instead of when a crisis hits, means you and your family will be in the best position possible to deal with life’s surprises.
Have you had a conversation with your family about long term care?
You may be surprised to hear how worried your potential caregivers are about the “what ifs”. If your loved ones have a full plate already (busy jobs, children, live far away, or other responsibilities), then becoming a caregiver in a crisis is a disaster waiting to happen.
If your caregiver is your spouse, they may have their own health challenges to navigate.
You and your spouse are aging together, and you may plan to be there for each other through sickness and health. However, the physical, mental and emotional stress of long term caregiving can take a toll on your spouse. It’s also not uncommon for one spouse to avoid the necessary conversations about long term care planning. Communicating the burden along with a plan to overcome this scary situation can be a place to start.
Don’t wind up with regrets about a caregiving situation that could have been covered.
It can be a tremendous relief to know that there is a plan and resources to care for you and your spouse should the need arise. Don’t wind up with regrets about a caregiving situation that could have been covered.
· If you have a Long Term Care Insurance policy, share the details with your family and provide the broker/agent contact information.
· If you don’t have a plan yet, contact Baygroup Insurance to start the conversation.
Get started on your plan TODAY!
The fastest way to start is with a no-obligation quote. We listen, we educate, we advocate.
We are ready to protect your assets & give you peace of mind with Long Term Care solutions and other insurance products.
You can also review our frequently asked questions and resources if you prefer to gather more information first.
Caregivers take on enormous stress & financial burden.
No one wants to be dependent on someone else for everyday tasks, however, the truth is that almost 70% of Americans 65 years of age and older will need long term care at some point in their lives. Care is often provided to aging parents by an adult child. It is much more difficult than people realize.
Becoming a caregiver is a tremendous responsibility in addition to increased costs. Many people take time off work or resign, creating financial strain for their own family, in addition to caregiver stress. Unfortunately, this toll increases the risk of depression and alcoholism for the caregivers.
Often Caregivers are in a “sandwich” or “club sandwich” of stress, being squeezed on both sides by the added responsibility of caring for children, parents and grandparents.
This added pressure can lead to losing time from work, being less productive or concern about how they will pay for or obtain caregivers when they need it. Proactive planning for long term care can assist with their possible roles as caregivers, and also protect them should they be the person needing care.
If your caregiver is your spouse, they are also aging and may have their own health challenges to navigate. Or they may be unable to perform some caregiving activities, like heavy lifting. It’s also not uncommon for one spouse to avoid the necessary conversations about long term care planning.
According to AARP and the National Alliance for Caregiving (NAC), approximately 7.5 million Americans care for loved ones age 49 or over for an average of 41 hours a week. That’s in addition to trying to manage their own obligations to their spouse, children, work, self and family.
Long Term Care planning can relieve some of this burden
What many of these caregivers are unaware of is that respite care exists that would allow them time off from the often-around-the-clock services they are providing for their care recipients.
Respite care is a service where emergency or planned care is provided to someone with special needs providing temporary relief to family caregivers who are caring for that person. This break can help caregivers avoid caregiver burnout, therefore making sure the highest level of care is provided.
The decision to plan for long term care positively impacts multiple generations of your family & loved ones. We can review options to cover respite care and more!
Have you had a conversation with your parents and/or loved ones about long term care?
If you’re facing a caregiver role, you may already be worried about the “what ifs”. Your parents and/or loved ones that you will be caring for may be avoiding this conversation. This is a common situation. We can help.
We can help you review your options and provide support for tough, but necessary, conversations. Your parents and/or loved ones need to understand that you have a full plate already (busy jobs, children, live far away, or other responsibilities), it may be a crisis to suddenly become a caregiver. It can be a tremendous relief to work out a plan and resources to care for your loved ones should the need arise.
· If your parents and/or loved ones have a Long Term Care Insurance policy, get the details from them and the broker/agent contact information.
· If you don’t have a plan yet, contact Baygroup Insurance to start the conversation.
Don’t wind up with regrets about a caregiving situation that could have been covered.
Get started on your plan TODAY!
The fastest way to start is with a no-obligation quote.
We are ready to protect your assets & give you peace of mind with Long Term Care solutions and other insurance products.
You can also review our frequently asked questions and resources if you prefer to gather more information.