Members and Families are Well Protected Now and for the Future

Melissa has been helping Government Employees Benefit Association members for over 10 years. She has extensive product expertise to help find the correct policy for each person/couple. She educates our members via large and small seminars, articles in our newsletter, on our website and also via podcasts. She works directly with individuals/couples to continue that education and make that education specific to them. She continues to service employees as questions arise or as their situation changes.
Her extensive financial background enables her to customize policies to meet the individual needs of her clients. Melissa evaluates their current financial positions, personal expectations, and budgetary constraints. She represents various insurance carriers and is licensed in many states, so she is able to compare potential policies and advise clients as they select policies that best meet their needs. As a result of this extensive planning, these members and their families are well protected now and for the future.
Michele Rackey, CEO, Executive Director, Government Employee Benefits Association